Jungian Psychotherapy

Spiritual Direction 

            Cardinal Counseling 

                    and Spiritual Direction

‍     Another study has just been published. It states that too many studies have been published. Ever notice how many scientific studies are being published and quoted by all of us? It is mind-boggling. These studies range from how many people use outdoor toilets to what cats prefer to eat. But then, in a few months or years, new research will emerge that will contradict the previous study. I heard the other day that eating a big breakfast tends to cause individuals to gain weight. I was previously told that a big breakfast was the best way to lose weight because it helped charge the metabolism and killed some hunger demons for the rest of the day. Who knew?

‍     We are inundated with studies, and when we hear the words a study has been published, we all strain to listen to them as if they were the voice of God. Maybe the scientists, with all their studies, are attempting to speak for God, to uncover some great mystery to share with the people. It is a laudable effort. But science is only one facet of our lives. It has done some good, creating medicines, giving us sanitary conditions, and uncovering hidden truths. However, its scope is limited. It is limited by who is doing the study, who is paying for the study, and the bias of the scientists. Yes, experiments like statistics can be manipulated to tell the researcher what they want to hear; ask four out of five dentists about Crest toothpaste.

Forgotten in all of these studies and research is the human equation. Not everybody thinks the same way, dresses the same way, or even wants to, though Madison Avenue would like it is we would. What has been forgotten is the response of the soul and the destiny each of us has been given. At the same time, the studies might provide insight into the fact that they are not the voice of God or the final word. The soul knows what is best for us; our bodies will tell us what is appropriate.