Jungian Psychotherapy

Spiritual Direction 

            Cardinal Counseling 

                    and Spiritual Direction

Many resist the twist

Perhaps even the Chubby Checker dance

‍    But there is another twist that most resist

It has to do with how an individual looks and perceives

‍        Information

‍            History 

‍                Scripture

‍                    The news of the day.

Yet, there is so much more as one explores what is presented.

Who would have thought the story of the three little pigs could mean we must deal with:

‍    Our shadow

‍            Our willing ignorance 

‍                The part of us that wants to grow

‍                    Integrating our shadows is vital for life.

Who would have thought that the people who wrote the Constitution 

‍       They were mainly looking for themselves

‍            Their finances

‍                To those who could own land and thus vote

Who would have thought that we have leaders who lead us astray

‍    Like a flock of sheep

‍        Like the pied piper

‍            Like the dispensers of cool-aid

Like I said, many don’t want to see the twist

‍    Thinking through what is being presented

‍            Can change meaning and perception 

‍                    While the Apostle Paul writes that it is grace that saves,   

‍        Why does he also say, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling?”

If Jesus is the ultimate, why does he say, “Greater things you will do than I”?

You do realize that there are now eight planets in our solar system.  I was taught there were nine.  Who stole the other planet? And what do we do with answers given that said there are nine but are now wrong?  Does it matter?

What has happened to the twist

‍    Where what is seen goes further than the words about them

‍        That there are deeper meanings and purposes than we see.

To explore that illnesses may be a call to initiation into something greater if we answer the call

‍    That events of the day are giving messages about who we are

‍        Perhaps they are trying to protect

‍            Perhaps they are trying to guide

‍                Perhaps they are telling us we have done well

Yet, we miss the messages because we won’t do the twist.

How sad for us when we don’t learn to dance with life,    

‍    How sad when we won’t let God lead

‍        How sad that we may be left behind.

Remember the book series “Left Behind”?

‍    It appears it is true.

‍        Those left behind think they are in

‍            Yet they miss the twist to their own story

‍                Thinking that they will be first, yet they will be forever last and forgotten.

They took everything so literally, 

‍    So concretely 

‍        But their view is not in the scriptures

‍            It is not predicted that way

The twist is that those who are willing to be last

‍    Those with eyes to see and ears to hear

‍        Are already moving into the kingdom

‍            They listen with their hearts 

‍                They listen with their souls

‍                    Not the certitudes presented by the powerful

There is a subversive movement right beneath our noses

‍    Brushing past those who stand waiting

‍        For a truth they have already determined is the truth

‍            A leader who will fix what can’t be fixed 

‍                Being a part of an exclusive club 

‍                    Scriptures interpreted in their favor

Isn’t that an interesting twist for our time?