Jungian Psychotherapy

Spiritual Direction 

            Cardinal Counseling 

                    and Spiritual Direction

Hope is a powerful word

‍        That is allusive as a butterfly

‍            And few use the word correctly,

‍                    Hope for the best, we say

‍                        That everything will go my way or our way.

That seems so shallow

‍        Wouldn’t it be better if we “hoped” 

‍            Could we accept the outcome of what faces us?

It is a word Medical Doctors don’t like to use

‍        They don’t want to get anticipations up

‍            Or expectations too high.

‍                    The doctors might get sued for a “promise” not kept.


‍        Families gather around the world in turbulent times

‍            Of sickness, of loss, destruction

‍                Looking for some kind of comfort

Yet it often flitters away, elusive as the butterfly

‍            Never fly in a straight line

‍                Never going where it is expected to go

So, what is hope?

‍        A thought, a feeling, and an exception?

It is fragile in all situations.

‍    And can disappoint or elate.

Where does hope come from?

‍    Within

‍        Without

‍            Both

‍                Or is it a gift?

Does it mean I have no work to do?

‍    Just sit back and wait?

Does it mean to try everything possible

‍    And wait for the best?

Why is it some have it and

‍    Others don’t

Are some just more realistic?

‍    More rational?

Is it an awareness that some other force

‍     Might act on our behalf

‍        That is anything but rational?

Perhaps it is a belief.

‍    That the outside presence will bring what is best

‍        Even if it is not what we expect.

A belief in the continuance of time and space and life

‍    That keeps us on our journey.

Those with illnesses, 

‍    Those with missing family members

‍        Those wanting a change

‍            All hold on to it if they can

‍                With all their strength

Yet, it often slips through arms and hands

‍    And floats in the wind.

Sometimes, all we can do 

is hope

‍            That it comes back

What do we with Truth

There is so

‍     much more to know

‍        And so little time

‍            There is so much to consider

‍                Even less time.

Inundated with information from all directions

‍        How to sort it out

‍            What is important —and what isn’t


Do we need to know

‍        And what is propaganda

‍            It’s difficult to determine

Is the new information better than the old because 

‍        It is new?

‍            Is the old tried and true

‍                Because it is old?

How do we discern?

‍        Educators teach what they are told.

‍            To pass the standardized tests

‍                Standardized  for whose sake, the students or the culture

‍                    That needs people who will not rebel, dispute, or challenge

‍                        What they want us to know

The Internet provides some alternatives.

‍        But what’s true about the new?

‍            All of it

‍                Some of it

‍                    None of it?

What is it to take in information?

Some are staunch in their belief in their information

‍        I heard a podcast — they say … but what makes that more credible than

‍            I read a book

‍                Are facts, facts, 

‍                       Have they been verified, and who does the verification?

This gets us back to what is truth.  

‍        Truth for the immediate, which can change quickly

‍            If we want it to or because

‍                It acts like a chameleon 

‍                    Changing colors depending on the surroundings?

Or is it long-term being what has been established by past generations

‍    It can be a rock that we don’t want to be moved and 

‍        drop anchor to be stable no matter what 

‍                The winds of change may blow our way.


What is truth?

‍        It’s been a question posed to us for a long time

‍            How do we discern the truth?

Some have been willing to die

‍    For their truth or

‍         force others to believe their truth  or

‍            Be willing to kill others who 

‍                They didn’t see the truth the way they do.

Others see truth as an ever-changing sky 

‍    with new clouds of information changing 

‍        the canvas of the flat world with puffy, simple truths, 

‍                others only see dark, ominous, frightening truth

But the question still is before us

‍        What is truth?

‍            What is the correction information  to:

‍                Believe

‍                    Accept

‍                        Know?

The only way is to look within.  What is suitable for my journey through life?  

‍    What is my inner voice telling me?


It may contradict what others are telling me

‍    It may contradict the news media and the internet

‍        It may contradict the podcast

‍            It may contradict the Doctor.

There is so much to know.

‍    And even less time


But what we need to know is what is being spoken to us

‍        From within

‍            If we take the time to hear it, 

‍                Understand it and

‍                    To live it.