Still They Come

They travel by foot with children in tow.

Across entire countries to reach for a dream

a dream of hope where they can live in peace

a dream where goon aren’t knocking down doors

a dream where police protect the innocent and don’t work for the thugs

a dream of a new beginning

In the scorching heat they  come

in the pouring rain and the mud they walk

Amidst the threats of hatred and disgust

Amidst the voices that say your are not welcome

From the wealthy they hear “you are a threat,

you only seek a handout, welfare, a free ride

From super patriots they hear

you only want our jobs

you are too brown

too poor

to uneducated 

We were hear first

the door is shut

the door is guarded

Yet they keep walking

hoping against hope

hoping for a better life for their children

where they don’t see death in the streets

where they are not bought and sold like cattle

They come with a belief in humanity

that people won’t be cruel

that people won’t harden their hearts

And we wait for them

some putting barbed wire on the boarder

some carrying guns to take care of the problem

But they come almost as if were a divine call to escape the evil seeking them

to continue hoping against hope that when they get here

the people will take seriously the words they once looked to with pride

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me, I life my lamp beside the golden door.”

Those on the south side of the fence say those words with tears of hope

Those on the north side say them as if they were a curse

I guess how the words are viewed depends if you have ever been on the outside looking in.  Phone 507.339.0045